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America's issues voting system must be and now can be different than all of the Governmental Systems that have existed and failed in the past. All of the systems in the past have been Top-down systems, including America's present system, that end up benefiting the people at the top. That's why 5% of the people in America now own 80% of America's assets, leaving 95% of the People fighting over the 20% that is left. Jesus said "there will be a day when the last will be first and the first will be last." The Communication Technology that is now available can make the day that Jesus spoke of, today! The New System will utilize all of todays amazing communication technologies but in order to make the system ground-up, we need to use the technology that can localize the issues and the voters. The goal is to have issues raised, debated and voted on locally, community by community. We don't want people in California voting on issues affecting the people in Indiana and vice versa. It's up to the people in each community to get busy and start reinventing and fixing their own piece of America, and if every community does that, we can fix America. The Key for making this happen is establishing Prefixes for Voters and their Issues. Just as the Phone Company's needed to establish Area Codes and the Postal Service needed to establish Zipp Codes to be Organized, Communities need to do the same. These codes are called "Prefixes." The Key for America's new system is to begin the use of if it's Communication Venues with the Television. Local Public Broadcasting stations and their viewing area will set the Prefix for each area around the country. This will make sure that Issues being raised will be voted on by the community members being affected by those issues. For Example, Issues being raised in the South Bend, Indiana will have a prefix of 574 and the only people being able to vote on those issues must have matching prefixes with their voter Identification Number. A Local database containing Voters and their I.D. numbers will validate the Voter and the Issue being voted on. Once the Community Voting area is established by the circumference of the television, and the people within that voting area are provided their Prefix and Voter I.D., all the other Communication tools that are now available such as Snap Chat, Twitter, Linkedin You tube, Facebook, etc, can all be used as Localized information and communication tools for receiving, discussing and Voting on Issues...
Whichever Technological Communication Venue you prefer, they can all be used to have Your Voice heard and count, on Local and National Issues..